Coach Kat and Dr.Mimi
Coach Kat and Dr.Mimi

5 Steps To Crush Your Weight Loss Resolutions in the New Year

how to crush your weight loss resolutions in 2020

Fitness Goals,Holiday Strategies / December 30, 2019

2020 is just around the corner, and that means so are your New Year’s resolutions!

Guess what the top three resolutions are that people make year after year?

1. Exercise More

2. Lose Weight

3. Save Money

(Bet you couldn’t have figured that out!)

Another statistic about New Year’s resolutions is a little more alarming, however.

80% of people fail at the new year’s resolutions they make. Eighty percent! That is HUGE!

There’s a reason that this number is so high, and it’s because most people don’t have a PLAN on how to get from Point A to Point B. And, even if they do, they try to go at it alone without necessary support and encouragement from others.

This is especially true for weight loss resolutions. You need a plan that includes the RIGHT STEPS for your body and the way it works, AND you absolutely CANNOT do it alone.

That’s why in this week’s video, Dr. Mimi and I are drilling down on the 5 steps you need to actually stick to your weight loss resolutions and CRUSH them in 2020.

You’re going to learn the ABSOLUTE IMPORTANCE of:

  •  HAVING A PLAN so you know HOW to reach your goals. You have to make sure that the steps you’re taking are right FOR YOU. Everyone is different.
  • GETTING HELP– You can’t do it alone.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY – We have a weekly accountability meeting in our intensive mentorship program where we talk about weekly goals, what worked and what didn’t, and what needs to be tweaked. We also celebrate each other’s wins and hold each other to a higher standard!
  • SKIN IN THE GAME– You have to be invested, and often financial investments are what make us to show up and do the work.
  • STAYING CONSISTENT to create a foundation of healthy habits that’s sustainable SO THAT YOU CAN CRUSH YOUR GOALS IN THE LONG TERM!

If you’re ready to CRUSH your WEIGHT LOSS RESOLUTIONS in the New Year, this video is for you! 

Next Steps

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